
I will grab the back of his head, squeeze my soft brown thighs around his head and try my best to explode in his mouth. I’m usually not very successful. I don’t get to cum until he says I do and there are plenty of nights he will let me calm down and we have to start all over again until I’m begging, pleading, and practically crying, demanding him to fuck me. Trembling, shivering, and ready for release, I chant, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” to the heavens. At his breaking point, thick with. Again, I tried. Need some help? Super, he had found me again. No. Thanks. I tried again, but that fucking red light kept flashing. Thats funny, my rooms right here. Mmhmm. I mumbled. I thought, Just get in the room, away from the douchebag. I heard his door open and I saw three green flashes on my own door. I smiled, relieved. And then everything went black. My first sensation, after my throbbing head, was the tightness of fabric around my wrists. I opened my eyes and looked up. I saw a red tie. You feel many hands running all over your body, fingers exploring all over, playing with your nipples, on your neck, your calves, your thighs and hips. Tickling your feet your inner elbows and your ears. You feel people moving all around you, someone’s mouth begins to suck on a nipple, then a finger, and now your toes. Your body is writhing in ecstasy, then you feel the first tongue on your pussy lips, no one is talking, your moans fill the room. You feel many mouths on you now, tasting your. It wasn’t until I went out of town on business, for an annual convention I attended nearly every year, that I even thought about breaking my promise to her, and then I broke it thoroughly. The convention was in Chicago, one of my favorite places, so I arranged to fly in the day before the convention so I could walk around downtown and have dinner with some old friends. When I got back to the hotel it was still fairly early, so I decided to stop by the hotel bar for a nightcap. At a table.
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